Ways to give

Humane World Foundation Canada has an excellent record of program achievements and serves a critical and expanding role in the effort to reduce animal suffering. Our organization has helped advance the cause of animal welfare across Canada by providing critical care for dogs rescued from the dog meat trade and other situations of cruelty, by supporting spay and neuter clinics in remote regions of Canada and by promoting plant-based foods with our successful Forward Food program.

Donate monthly

Monthly donors contribute a set amount of money to our cause on a monthly basis, providing reliable and sustained support.

Donate once

A one-time donation is a single contribution made to our cause, typically not recurring.

Legacy gifts

Legacy gifts support our work through a will, a deed of gift, a testamentary or inter vivos trust, or other formal legal instruments.

What is legacy giving?

Legacy Giving, sometimes referred to as Planned Giving, is a means for donors to provide support for a charitable organization that can be made through a will, a deed of gift, a testamentary or inter vivos trust, or other formal legal instruments. Legacy Gifts are typically prepared in consultation with a financial planner and/or a tax advisor to reflect the donor’s values and desires, while taking into consideration the impact of tax laws that will have a financial bearing on a donor or the donor’s estate. Serious consideration of Legacy Giving options should always be done in consultation with a financial planner, as they are experts and provide advice from the perspective of one’s total financial picture.

While conveying a gift by way of a will or by a deed of gift during one’s lifetime, a transfer of ownership in stocks, bonds or mutual funds, proceeds of a bank account, or other bank instruments are the most common forms of giving. Other options may also include gifts of real estate or insurance policies, for which Humane World Foundation Canada, a registered Canadian charity, could be named as a beneficiary.

Wills and trusts

Property or money may be bequeathed to Humane World Foundation Canada through a legally binding last will and testament.  Humane World Foundation Canada may also be named as the beneficiary of a deed of trust either created during a donor’s lifetime, or upon his or her death.

Gift annuity

A gift annuity is an arrangement whereby the donor may transfer money or securities to Humane World Foundation Canada. In exchange, the donor receives specified annuity payments every year for life. This form of gift also has specific tax consequences and advantages under Canadian tax law which should be carefully explored with your financial or tax advisor.

Stocks and bonds

Stocks and bonds may be donated to Humane World Foundation Canada as a direct gift and, subject to certain conditions under Canadian tax law, can be transferred without triggering a capital gain in the hands of the donor. Generally, publicly-traded stocks, bonds or mutual funds are considered “Eligible Property” under the Income Tax Act (Canada) that, if given directly to a registered Canadian charity such as Humane World Foundation Canada, would relieve the donor of paying capital gains tax on any increase in values of the securities since they were first acquired.

Bank accounts

Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for – or made payable to – Humane World Foundation Canada.

Learn more

In addition to providing animals with a strong and vocal advocate well into the future, supporting Humane World Foundation Canada with a gift or bequest may offer you significant tax savings. Whether you are interested in arranging a legacy gift or would like to learn more about how your investment into Humane World Foundation Canada may be recognized and allocated, please contact Laura Scott, Lscott@humaneworld.org;  226.678.2104

To leave a gift to Humane World Foundation Canada, you will require our official name, address and charity number to give to your solicitor or will-maker:

Humane World Foundation Canada
Charitable registration number: 137412102 RR0001
Legal name: Humane World Foundation Canada
215 Montée Côte Double, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec J7V 0H4

Our impact

Support from donors like you has contributed to transformative changes for animals throughout Canada, including:

  • Over 3000 animals cared for by Humane World Foundation Canada at our care and rehabilitation centre since 2008. This includes:
    • Over 1,600 dogs rescued from puppy mills;
    • Over 600 dogs rescued from the global dog meat trade, and;
    • Over 400 street dogs brought back from remote Indigenous communities for adoption into loving homes.
  • Over 3000 stray and roaming dogs examined, sterilized, vaccinated, and treated in our Northern Dogs program.
  • Training of over 400 food service professionals on nutritious, delicious and affordable plant-based cuisine.
  • Supporting dozens of leading Canadian foodservice operations in making their menus more sustainable and humane.
  • And so much more! 


The information contained herein is general in nature and is based on matters that are subject to change without prior notice. It is not, and should not be construed as, accounting, legal or tax advice or an opinion provided by Humane World Foundation Canada to the reader. This material may not be applicable to, or suitable for, specific circumstances or needs and may require consideration of other factors not described herein.

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