Protecting wolves


Wolves are widespread across Canada and many subspecies exist within the population, including Arctic wolves, coastal wolves, and eastern wolves. Wolves are incredibly intelligent and complex animals. Social, family-oriented and highly adaptable—wolves have a lot in common with humans.

They are caring, playful, and very loyal – only a select few other species exhibit these traits so clearly. Wolves are also integral to their ecosystems.

Wolves in Canada face a number of grave threats – as wildlife already grapples with the devastating effects of climate change and industrial development, wolves are also the target of both trophy hunts and government-run culls.

Learn more about how to prevent conflicts with wolves.

Did you know?

Wolf howls are like human voices—each is unique, so pack members can tell them apart. The animals howl to introduce themselves, announce their territory, communicate with their group and express emotions that range from joy to grief. The calls also serve as an alarm clock, with alphas first using the sound to rouse fellow wolves from sleep and then continuing it to energize them for the day ahead.

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